Monday, October 3, 2011

A Fond Farewell

As you probably know, Rob and I were released as the Pleasant View South Stake Indexing Directors.  We are both very sad about giving up the opportunity to associate with the Indexers/Arbitrators of the Stake.  It has been such a rewarding experience watching the success of the 9 Wards in our Stake as they have taken President Keller's council to heart and worked at Family Search Indexing.  We will especially miss the excitement and anticipation we felt at the end of each year as everyone 'put the petal to the metal' to push us through to reach a goal...we loved the exhilaration we felt watching those numbers climb higher and higher, the early-morning phone calls asking how close we were, the satisfaction that accompanied the privilege of reporting your labor to the Stake Presidency and High Council.

Thank you so much for all you have done to make this such a gratifying two and a half years of our lives!


  1. I will miss you. Thank you for all you have done to make this successful and fun. Who is taking your place?

    Linda Christiansen

  2. Thank you, Linda. As of today, I still haven't heard who has been called as Stake Indexing Director. Perhaps by Stake Conference next week we will know...
