Over the past two years, December has been a huge Indexing month in our Stake. I don't know if it was triggered by the cold weather or the fact that I came across the posters we had in the foyers of the four buildings in our stake during December of 2010; but I am having 'Index Anxiety' this week.
I have this urge to urge everyone forward even though it is the busiest month of the year for so many people. All the holiday parties, decorating, shopping, baking, gift wrapping, family activities and college finals keep us occupied in December, yet historically, the Pleasant View South Stake has rocked the Indexing scene with massive numbers of records completed during the final weeks to reach our enormous goals.
As a result of a restlessness I can't explain, I had to get online and update the blog and the Indexing front page, Index a few batches, and do a little urging. If you can create a few minutes to Index during the last 21 days of 2011, please do! If we could Indexing another 165,951 names in three weeks, we could reach 1.5 million this year! That is only a little over 55,000 per week! We have done those kind of numbers before (granted that was when we had U.S. Census pages to work on). Do you think we could see that level of work again?....It is the PV South Stake, so it wouldn't surprise me at all.
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